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Installation Guide

The OuterSpace Operator provides flexibility and options when it comes to its setup, allowing you to choose between various integrations. This guide provides an overview of how to install the OuterSpace Operator, along with some customizable options like the choice of database, queuing system, security options and monitoring.


Before you proceed with the installation, make sure you have the following:

  1. A Kubernetes cluster, such as Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).
  2. Helm installed on your workstation,
  3. An access to the OuterSpace Operator Helm Chart Repository.

Installation Steps

Here are the general steps to install the OuterSpace Operator using Helm:

  1. Preparation: Make sure you have Helm installed on your workstation. You'll also need to have the OuterSpace Operator Helm chart ready. From our OuterSpace Operator Helm Chart Repository, download or clone the OuterSpace Operator Helm chart to your local system.

  2. Configuration: Edit the values.yaml file according to your needs. This includes configuration for the database, auth2, and monitoring.

  3. Deploy the Helm Chart: Once the values.yaml file is configured as per your needs, deploy the Helm chart:

    helm install [RELEASE_NAME] [CHART] --values [VALUES_FILE]


    Replace [RELEASE_NAME] with the name you want to assign to your deployment, [CHART] with the path to your OuterSpace Operator Helm chart, and [VALUES_FILE] with the path to your updated values.yaml file.

  4. Verify the Installation: After the Helm chart is deployed, verify that all components are running as expected:

    kubectl get pods