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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the OuterSpace Operator?

OuterSpace Operator is a Kubernetes operator designed to simplify your algorithm deployment process. It manages deployments on various cloud platforms such as AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, and more, providing features like automated scaling, load normalization, wide algorithm support, and advanced security measures.

How does OuterSpace Operator integrate with other systems?

OuterSpace Operator integrates seamlessly with a range of systems, including KServe for serverless inferencing, Prometheus for monitoring and alerting, and Azure Active Directory for authentication. It can be installed using Helm, allowing for deployment and management via any CI/CD platform.

What is Ground Control?

Ground Control is a companion portal to the OuterSpace Operator. It provides a central place to visualize deployed algorithms, monitor metrics, review logs, view OpenAPI (Swagger) interface contracts, and manage Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to algorithms.

How does OuterSpace Operator handle security?

OuterSpace Operator prioritizes security and adheres to industry best practices. All pod communications are conducted via HTTPS, ensuring encryption in transit. Depending on the cluster configuration, it also provides encryption at rest. In addition, it integrates with Azure Active Directory for authentication and includes measures for access control to ensure data privacy.

How can I customize OuterSpace Operator to suit my needs?

OuterSpace Operator is fully customizable, allowing users to tailor deployments according to their specific needs. For more details on customization, refer to the respective sections of the documentation or contact our support team at

Can I use OuterSpace Operator across different cloud providers?

Yes, OuterSpace Operator is designed with multi-cloud support in mind. It manages deployments on managed or non-managed Kubernetes clusters independently of the selected cloud provider, providing you the flexibility and avoiding vendor lock-in.

How does the automated scaling work?

The automated scaling feature of OuterSpace Operator ensures optimal resource utilization at all times. It dynamically scales your deployments up or down based on demand, ensuring cost efficiency and reliable performance during peak loads.